Mutiara Kata
""i wrote ur name in the sky, but the wind blew it away, i wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, i wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay"" "Do not run through life so fast, that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going, life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." "when i lonely,i wish ur love, when i down,i wish ur joy, when things get complicated,i wish ur faith, when things look empty & i wish ur hope."
Nyanyian Cik εїз
pagi lg dah rase letih semacam je badan nie...
dtg keje pun...wat keje cam kura2...xde semangat langsung....
cuti x dpt...hari nie pa naik laut...pelantar bunga raya...katner ntah..ihihihi
teman baru pun majuk bawa diri.........
pa pun majuk gak..ngah2 msg ngan dia pastu aku tertdo....
pg nie dia gerak g ganu kul 7 lebih....tdo kot...tu yg senyap je...
biasa sebelum g dia akan gtau....
kul 3.30pm dia kata baru sampai...pas asar aik bot...

nasib baik dia x majuk...
teman baru still mendiamkan diri....nanti lew..aku pun xtau nak bg dia keputusan camner..
last2..seharian semalam aku dok edit photo...tu pun gara2 membe keje yg dia tolong edit pic n wat ape lagi....sume owang nak try....
huhuhu...aku lew yg tolong edit coz aku yg dok depan pc...
system connection problem...jap ok jap x....sampai manager pun naik feed up...:)
termasuk lew aku...staff lain bengang coz wifi pun ade x ble lew dia owang on9...
zedge pun dpt on9 jap je...dpt jumpa membe2 jap...jadi lew..lepas windu... ;)

inilah hasilnyer...hehehhehe.... =))

~~**potret lew konon**~~

~~**peberet picture**~~
~~**iklan sunsilk (kerana dirimu begitu berharga)**~~
~~**vouge konon (membe aku cakap ratu jamu)**~~
~~**Liza Yg comey (konon2nyer)**~~
~~**pa yg perasan cute (jgn lupe nak balik darat erk..)**~~
seharian .....hasil kesabaran dengan system yg kejap ok jap x.....:(
benda simple jd lambat.....moral of the story....mase itu emas.... ;-)
pasnie wat theme mood lew....hihihihihi

2 bunga yg datang:

eddie dewanaga said...

suka tgk muka Jue baju pink tudung putih tu...
tapi my favorite ialah iklan sunsilk tu... sweet sangat...!!

jue, kalau kawan2 kita tanya pasal gua, jue suruh diorang email je ye...

budak2 gua dah tak stay Miri/Kerteh or Pelantar lagi macam jue punya 'Papa' tu... diorang dah pegi Yuhzno-Sakhalinsk kat Russia tu pasang plant baru...

~JuLiE~ said...

hehehhe..tq...jue pun suke tgk pic tu dlm nie..siap wat wallpaper...
theme....hehehe..akan dtg lew... :p
nampak comey2 lew kononnyer2...uwecks....nak terkeluar taik tinge dengar erk???

nanti r..jue suruh dia add kalau dia pun dah wat blog sendiri....\m/

wah best tu...dulu "papa" jue dah g dia xnak bawa balik bunga sakura tuk jue...huwaaaa....:(

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