
huhuhu..dah beberapa hari x update blog...
xtau nak tulis ape xceli...
hari tu offday aku g tgk eagle eye...
best gak cite nie...thriller katakan...:)
so aku letak lew sinopsis cite tu ckit dlm nie...tolong promote lew konon2... ;-P
~~Main cast~~
Shia LaBeouf as Jerry Shaw: a young slacker who is framed as a terrorist and vows to clear his name with the FBI's help. LaBeouf also plays Ethan Shaw, Jerry's twin brother who is a skilled, intelligent man in the Air Force with a secret occupation.
Michelle Monaghan as Rachel Holloman: a single mother who is also framed as a terrorist and vows to clear her name with her companions.
Rosario Dawson as Zoe Perez: a government agent who is tracking down the terrorist cell.
Billy Bob Thornton as Thomas Morgan: the patriotic leader of a homeland security team tracking down the cell.
Anthony Mackie as Major Bowman: A soldier assigned to monitor the super-computer.
Cameron Boyce as Sam Holloman: Rachel's Son
Julianne Moore as ARIA: The supercomputer whose machinations form the basis for the film's events.
Jerry Shaw and Rachel Holloman are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations--using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted fugitives, who must work together to discover what is really happening--and more importantly, why.
malas nak cite pjg2...copy & paste je lew..ihihih...So kot rase cam menarik tu..ringan2 kan lew kaki g ke wayang berhampiran...=)
::pesanan penaja::
sesiapa yg dah tgk tu ble lew kongsi2 komen anda tentang cite nie... :-)
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6 bunga yg datang:
cerita macam best je...
carik DVD pirate la minggu ni..
kan ramai owang nak teman...xkan tgk dvd je kot...:p
Aku paling suka babak kejar mengejar di awal perkenalan Jerry dan Rachel. Bagaimana 'wanita' tu membantu mereka melepasi polis yang mengejar mereka. Dan susunan perlanggaran tu sangat mengujakan. Tak sempat hilang rasa teruja akibat perlanggaran pertama, muncul dentumana hasil perlanggaran yang berikutnya. Sebelum ni, aturan babak kemalangan dalam Final Destination 2 adalah yang terbaik.
Review Eagle Eye @ BLOG KedaiMagik
Komen di blog aku..bersama backlink..nanti aku masukkan link kau dalam entri ini..TQ..
wah memang dasyat kan pakcique...
betol..betol...betol...(bak kata upin & epin)..ehehehhe..
final destination the best..sume episod aku ikut...walaupun tgk celah2 jari....=)
mmg senario hampeh w'pon katanya dpt cecah RM4j..peduli apa aku kan...
Ape kes tengok final destination celah jari...?baik tengok celah gigi..
PAKCIQUE....celah gigi???kot yg pakai gigi palsu plak...ape citer??
hihihih...celah jari sume owang wat ape....:p
wah banyak gak tgk senario erk??
rambaut same itam...minat lain2...:)
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