Mutiara Kata
""i wrote ur name in the sky, but the wind blew it away, i wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, i wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay"" "Do not run through life so fast, that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going, life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." "when i lonely,i wish ur love, when i down,i wish ur joy, when things get complicated,i wish ur faith, when things look empty & i wish ur hope."
Nyanyian Cik εїз

~~Xceli xde motif..hihihihi..:) ...~~
~~cume aku suke pic & kata2 dia je... ;D,,~~

5 bunga yg datang:

eddie dewanaga said...

pic dia cantik...

words dia...

no comment!


μάγά said...

cantik pic tu...
well thx yer ju3li3 melawat page maya...
mengenai templet piczam tu...
julie boleh dapat dari web piczam sendiri
kat situ ada free templet untuk blog... dier ada bagi panduan mcm mana nak guna templet thy all...
try pegi situ dulu ye...
nape x letak msg box... huhuhu... sukar untuk membalas msg ju3li3

Eija @ Purple28 said...

salam terima kasih kerana melawat...nanti akak buat tutorial yer... akak bgtahu bila dah siap...tapi basically pergi jer kat edit html...copy code kat pyzam...tapi jangan copy semua... copy dari first sampai comment...code sidebar content ke bawah jgn copy.. lepas tu paste kat edit html...replace code yang dicopy sampai sebelum sidebar content gak....paham ker..??? tak paham nanti akak akan pahamkan.....

μάγά said...

okies.. wah.. hah.. tu ramai lagi yg boleh bantu... if ju3l3 nak tgk2 lagi tutorial ada kat site si ien tp pasal blog templet mcm mana tu maya x pasti nie link ke blog ien

~JuLiE~ said...

abG Ed~~,, pic dia yg menarik ati tu...;p

maya~~,, thanks banyak2 erk...nanti jue try eh??msg box 2..insyaallah akan jue letak gak..yay!!!caiyo...caiyo...

kak eija~~,,time kasih daun keladi..kerana bersusah payah tuk adikmu ini...=)ilmu tu amat bergune tuk owang2 baru cam jue nie..:)...akan ku tunggu...tutoriamu itu..ehehhee:)

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