Mutiara Kata
""i wrote ur name in the sky, but the wind blew it away, i wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, i wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay"" "Do not run through life so fast, that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going, life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." "when i lonely,i wish ur love, when i down,i wish ur joy, when things get complicated,i wish ur faith, when things look empty & i wish ur hope."
Nyanyian Cik εїз

akhirnyer tercipta gak 1 blog tuk aku meluah rasa...

actually xtau nak tulis bile dtg ape nak d'luah xde tempat plak...(sambil menepuk dahi..:p)

atas dorongan seseorang...eceh..ayat nak best...hihihihi...

{saya mesti sokong punya la...}

"AWAK" time kasih erk...awal2 dah ade "owang" nak jd pembaca setia...

tu yg semangat nak wat gak blog nie... ;p
::pesanan penaja::

cukuplah tuk permulaan...bak kata org "pelan2 kayuh" .....\m/

2 bunga yg datang:

eddie dewanaga said...

untuk satu permulaan...

& mungkin selamanya...

life goes on.

~JuLiE~ said...

yup life must go on...=)

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