Mutiara Kata

""i wrote ur name in the sky, but the wind blew it away, i wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, i wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay"" "Do not run through life so fast, that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going, life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." "when i lonely,i wish ur love, when i down,i wish ur joy, when things get complicated,i wish ur faith, when things look empty & i wish ur hope."


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http://emo.huhiho.comhehehe...semalam cari balik sijil2 aku coz nak minta keje baru...pastu t'nampak la sijil kat bawah nie....http://emo.huhiho.comhehe...dah lama x dpt sijil sejak habis study kan...hari tu g jalan2 ble plak dapat sijil nie...nggeee3xhttp://emo.huhiho.comxtau suratan atau sgt sedih banyak gak sijil2 aku yg hilang masa bilik tempat tinggal barang2 uitm tu kena pecah ngan dak2 plkn...http://emo.huhiho.comsedih woo masa tu...memang nangis pun ngan baju & seluar yg hilang..barang2 kesian kat org yg tinggal pc kat bilik tu...mouse kemana..keyboard kemana...huhuhuu last2..kes nie senyap je...sebab tu la skang plkn cume dak2 lepas spm je yg g...& dia org x d'tempatkan kat dalam kampus lg...cume kat kem2 yg memang khas untuk dia org je...itu la yg sepatutnyer...http://emo.huhiho.comkan dah jauh aku membebel

...nak tunjuk flight cerfiticate kat bawah nie je...http://emo.huhiho.comehehe...kalau korang nak g la genting SKY tu...thanks la kat abg ZAM..coz suruh jue try gak..kalau x try hari tu..mesti x dpt experience + sijil nie...http://emo.huhiho.comnanti aku tepek pic yg ambik hari tu erk..lupe letak mana memory card..tu la...bawa kamera canggih tp xde bateri pun x gune gak..ihihihi..kena la gune gak hp cam ayam tu...

kalau rase nak g & try tu korang ble la survey2 kat CNIE ......selamat berseronok...

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