Mutiara Kata

""i wrote ur name in the sky, but the wind blew it away, i wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, i wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay"" "Do not run through life so fast, that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going, life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." "when i lonely,i wish ur love, when i down,i wish ur joy, when things get complicated,i wish ur faith, when things look empty & i wish ur hope."


Nyanyian Cik εїз


salam sume...semalam seharian aku duk ngadap screen nie x gerak2 sampai ke malam...hehehe...sebab ape???hihihihi..biasa la kalau aku dah duk baca novel tu memang bukan perkara pelik lg...x makan...x tdo....hahaha....lama x beli novel baru sebenarnyer...budget manjang lari je sejak adk aku sambung study nie..huhuhu...pas baca senandung raja naga kat blog abg eddie..terasa nak baca cite lain plak...hehehe.. nak tunggu cite tu habis xtau bile...ngeee3x..senang je cakap yg tulis tu perah idea x ingat...yg menunggu nie pun tau mengomen je..sendiri tulis la...kan abg eddie kan...:p wecks...hehehe...saje jalan2 tgk novel baru kat alaf21 ngan kaki novel...last2 xtau nak baca mane aku baca la yg ade on9 dulu...dah baca separuh tu yg c'firm kene beli novelnyer coz nak tau ending story tu kan???adoiiiii..hujung2 bulan cbok nak beli novel erk...ade sesepa nak tolong belikan ker???mot xde plak..kalau x..ble paw mot..ihihihi...thanks mot sebab bg hadiah novel banyak2 masa besday dulu...ble plak aku cakap kat mot..."nape x tanye ma dulu novel ape yg belum ade...kan dah terbagi novel yg ma dah beli...ihihihi..." dah bg cukup baik kan mot..lg nak komen banyak2...huhuhu...
nie la buku yg nak beli sgt tu....

2 bunga yg datang:

eddie dewanaga said...

terima kasih atas sokongan Jue, menulis perlu idea, sejak tukar keja baru ni, abg Eddie penat tak ingat punya. Weekend baru ada masa.

~JuLiE~ said...

abg eddie...alala...ciannyer dia..xpe la..nak wat camner kan..yg penting cukup rehat...jue akan sentiasa sokong abg kalau senandung raja naga pun pun d'bukukan..confirm jue org 1st beli...ihihihi...:)thanks gak coz abg eddie rajin komen blog nie...

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